The Future of the Memorial

The present condition of the memorial is reasonably good. However being constructed from Portland stone it is vunerable to erosion from wind and rain.

The panel commemorating the 1939-45 War Dead has deteriorated significantly since I began my research as shown below.

1939 - 1945 Panel 2003

Panel in 2003.

1939-45 Panel 2008. Copyright image by permission of Ian Nicholls 2008

Same Panel 2008

The War Memorials Trust charity offers advice on repair and maintenance and have series of help-sheets for those concerned about their local memorial. (War Memorials trust web-site)

The Trust advises that under the War Memorials (Local Authorities' Powers) Act 18th July 1923 13 and 14 GEO.5, Chapter 18 local authorities may under certain circumstances maintain, repair and protect war memorials. However, they are under no obligation to do so.

It is suggested that a 'case for support' is prepared which clearly shows why the project is urgent and important for the community. This should demonstrate that those concerned are well organised, and act professionally.

It is very important to assimilate as much information as possible, and I would welcome any stories or details of family ties to the men commemorated. Any case for support should include real examples and personal stories connected to the war memorial.

The project also needs endorsement - the support of the families and friends of those commemorated brings a voice to the project and the support of important locals adds weight to the cause (e.g. endorsement from the county Lord Lieutenant, the local branch of the Royal British Legion, veteran associations, ex-service organisations, members of the clergy, etc). Again any help would be appreciated.

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Original Memorial

 Photograph of the memorial in its original  position, circa 1964. Reproduced by  permission of the Surrey History Centre.

 For more photos and the history of the area  please click on the Local History link